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The Legacy

A professional legacy stemming from three generations of investment advisors. 

What is a Legacy:

Legacies are often thought of as assets left behind to those who come after, but that is not all they could be. A legacy is stewarded by the moments of decision that direct our lives. Our decisions reveal what we value and what we leave behind for others. It is what remains in the hearts of those we impact and is merely reflected in the way we steward wealth. Everyone leaves a legacy even if it is not financial.

What is Stewardship:

A steward stands in a position of trust, managing and caring for entrusted resources in a way that exemplifies the values of the owner.

What is our Legacy of Stewardship:

We have worked with businesses, families, individuals and organizations offering advise and management of investment assets. We are steeped in the principles of stewardship and legacy building values. Our business and legacy exist on how well we have done for our clients.


Uncommon Stewardship

Carle Blackwell

Carle G. Blackwell

February 17,1930 - August 5, 2021

The Legacy of Blacor began when Carle Blackwell set out to offer private investment advice. He had just moved to Indianapolis after serving as a submariner in the Korean war. After fulfilling his commitment to serve in the military he carried that heart into the financial industry. In 1959 Carle began to lay the groundwork for a Legacy of financial stewardship that 25 years later led to one of his sons (Andy Blackwell) and 30 years after, one of his grandsons (Nicholas Blackwell) to continue building upon. However, the Legacy of Blacor does not encompass the life Carle lead. A legacy is much more than a business or an inherited account, it is defined by the cumulative moments a person lives for. A legacy is reflected by a business and can certainly impact the size of an inheritance, but Carle’s real legacy is revealed by the values he instilled in others. He was a man of service, principle, and faith. These are the values that guided the advice his clients received, the man his family loved, and life he led. His legacy not only lives on through his business, but the lives he impacted as a husband, father, friend, and steward.

Carle Blackwell begins his career as an Investment Manager and Stock Broker. 
Andy Blackwell joins his dad Carle in the finance industry 
Nicholas Blackwell joins his dad Andy as a Financial Advisor
Andy and Nick partner to relaunch BlacorUSA in Carle's Honor.
Blacorp USA Founder Carle Blackwell celebration of life and funeral ceremony
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