I think by now most people know this season may be more than a blip on the historical timeline. Last week governor Holcomb announced that Indiana residents need to shelter in place in order to reduce the velocity of this coronavirus spread. Businesses were categorized as essential to the infrastructure or non-essential, several businesses have had to furlough pay or let employees go, many hard decisions have been made regarding business survival and supporting the families affected. Jobless claims reported for the end of March nearly doubled the previous weeks total and experts expect that businesses will continue to close until mid-summer. On a global scale the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament has been canceled for the first time since World War II and the 2020 summer Olympics has been rescheduled to 2021. The disruption this virus has caused seems unprecedented, even in my industry decisions to downsize and reduce human costs are escalating. In times like these we often look to history to find the path of our future.
As a student of history, I am inclined to think, “All things considered this trial is not that bad.” Even in our own country’s 243-year history there’s been war, famine, terrorism, economic hardship, loss and of course most recently viral and infectious disease. As I reflect on this small sliver of the global timeline, I’m reminded of Mark Twain’s adage, “History never repeats, but it often does rhyme.”
This season is full of familiar feelings older generations have known, and if you get the chance to talk to the generations the world is now striving to protect, I am sure they may provide some valuable insight. As I think about the future, I am not only optimistic, but I look to some of the change this crisis has begun to bring. I applaud the companies and executives recessing from normal pay in order to preserve their employees’ jobs. I am proud of the medical industry, as they set research projects aside, and FDA trials in order to expedite the resources needed to manage this crisis. I am happy to see car manufacturers stopping car production to produce life saving ventilators. I am encouraged by the stories of neighbors seeking to deliver groceries to those at risk. I don’t know about you but if social distancing has shown me anything it’s that I need to be more intentional with friends and community. Somehow this season of being apart has grown a greater desire to serve and care for others. These are the types of changes that reveal the character and values of a nation. It’s nice to know that even in the midst of a crisis there are those that still put others before themselves and step into the places of need. I hope that amid all this change that is one of the things that stays.
Change is always difficult, sometimes lasting, but never forever. Eventually the top executives will resume pay, car manufacturers will begin making cars, the medical industry will diversify its research, employees will return or have new job opportunities, and hopefully history would point to this period as a time when people came together in ways no one expected. That we are reminded to cherish the relationships we have and take the time to appreciate our neighbors.
As someone who believes the bible is true, its times like these when I see how suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character and character produces hope. (Romans 5:3-4) Whether or not you share this belief, I think if you look at the couplets, or rhymes throughout history, its hard not to notice that truth in Romans 5:3-4. The question is will you partner in this truth? Will you step into the ways you are needed in this season?
As churches and schools and businesses close what opportunities do you have to support your community?